Power Quotient and Pound for Pound

sampleIt is a new semester at our school, which means some new students in strength and conditioning class.  All together I have nearly 230 students spread across 2 sections of Advanced Strength Training and Conditioning for Athletes, 2 sections of Advanced  Strength Training and Conditioning , and 2 sections of Beginning Strength Training and Conditioning.  Everyone in all the advanced classes has had the class at least one time.  Many in the beginning class have had the class as well, but because of schedule conflicts, were not able to get into an advanced class.  We use the workout card and template that I have shared, with every student that comes though this class.  The good thing is, I save the workout cards (electronic version) for everyone that has had the class before, which means this semester, out of the 230 students, I only had to introduce the program and make new cards for about 30 beginning students!

With these beginners, we have finished teaching the lifts, muscle groups, safety considerations, and spotting techniques.  We concluded testing on multi-rep maxes for each of the four core lifts.  I finished converting these multi-rep maxes to estimated 1 rep maxes using the conversion chart I shared earlier this week.  Last night I entered these individual testing results on their cards, printed the cards, and spent class today going over how to read and understand the workout cards.

In doing so, I realized, too that although I have shared how to read the different cycles on the card here in this forum, there is also a great deal more information on the card at your disposal.

nameFirst, directly under the Name is the Weight cell.  We weigh our athletes, but leave weighing and entering this in our school classes as an individual choice.  We do use this number in two other calculations on the chart, Power Q (Power Quotient) and LB/LB (Pound for Pound).

Next, under the name there are two cells for positions, Pos O (Offensive Position) and Pos D (Defensive Position).  I started using this card for our football players, and recorded the positions played in these cells.  You can change this for another sport, delete them, or just choose not to use them.  The good thing about using them, in football training, or training for another sport, is that you can create lists based on these positions.  For instance, I can run a list of the top 10 bench press (or any other lift) athletes by Position, say RB (Running Back) or OL (Offensive Line).

Another cell that we use in a similar way is the Grade (in school 9-12) cell.  Again you could change this, say for age, delete it, or just choose not to use it altogether.   By using it, you do get some additional data and lists that are good regarding motivation.

core liftsI have already discussed the cells for the estimated 1 rep max, the Start, Now, and Break columns, which are just to the right of the Name and Grade.

test resultsThe date the card is changed is automatically put in the cell beside the Date:  This is handy in checking the progress of an athlete, or trainee.  If you notice an athlete using a card that has a date from several weeks to a month on it, you know it has been that long since they have “broken” (increased their 1-rep max on a lift).

Below the date are cells to enter test results that we do, the 40 yard dash, Vert (Vertical Leap) and Pro Agile (NFL 5-10-5 yard agility drill).

There are 3 other cells that give you numbers based on calculations, using data you have entered on the sheet.  The Total cell is the total amount of the 4 core lifts added together.  It is a good way for you to see overall how an athlete (or you) are doing.  We use this in motivating our athletes.  We have “Clubs” for different total levels.  For the women athletes, the Clubs are 400 pound, 500 pound, 600 pound, and 700 pound levels.  For the men the corresponding clubs are 900 pound, 1000 pound, 1100 pound, and 1200 pound levels.  We began giving shirts to each athletes as they reached a new level, but that became a little cost prohibitive!  This semester, we are going to give each athlete a silicone bracelet, in a different color for each level.  I will post pictures of them when they arrive.

The LB/LB cell uses the Total cell amount in a calculation that divides the Total (amount they lift on the 4 core lifts) by their Weight.  This give a rough (very rough) measure of lean muscle mass.  It serves as motivation for some of the smaller athletes, that see their LB/LB rival or exceed than that of some of the larger, strong athletes in our program.

The last calculated cell in the Power Q (Power Quotient).  The Power Quotient is the square root of their Vert (vertical leap) times the square root of their Weight.  It is a rough measure of lower body explosion.  I use as an example 2 people who both can vertical jump 20 inches.  If one weighs 100 pounds, and the other weighs 200 pounds, the 200 pound athlete is generating more lower body power.

There is much good information on the card, and much of it can be changed or tailored to your uses.  If you have a question on how you might do this, just comment or send me an email.

Tomorrow I will discuss the last part of the workout card, the bottom section dealing with supplemental lifts.

Jeff Floyd – youcandomore1@yahoo.com

5 thoughts on “Power Quotient and Pound for Pound

  1. Pingback: Navigating the Workout Card | You Can Do More!

  2. Pingback: Spotlight Update – Becca Jonas | You Can Do More!

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  4. Pingback: The Impact of $4 | You Can Do More!

  5. Pingback: Testing… Strength and Conditioning – Standardized testing | You Can Do More!

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