Strength in Numbers

As coaches we sometime get caught up trying to get BIG improvement out of our athletes and out of our teams.  And that is OK, and expected…but, don’t forget that there is also strength in numbers.

Imagine …..

  • If everyone on your squad got just a little stronger
  • If everyone on your squad improved even a little on their ball handling skills
  • If everyone on your squad became just a little better at tackling
  • If everyone on your squad got just a little faster
  • If everyone on your squad became just a little better at bunting
  • If everyone on your squad improved his or her free throw percentage just a little
  • If everyone on your squad became just a little bit better technicians
  • If everyone on your squad improved his or her mental toughness even a little
  • If everyone on your squad reported to camp just a little better conditioned than last year
  • If everyone on your squad improved their batting average even slightly

You get the idea.

If everyone improves, even just slightly, it adds up to big team improvements… In strength, ball handling, tackling, speed, bunting, free throw percentage, technique, mental toughness, conditioning, or batting average.

Which leads to better team performance.

weakLinkThe key, of course, and the trick is, the “everyone” part of the equation.  Great teams have it figured out… Every team member has bought in and understands that their teammates are counting on them to improve, even if it is just a little…. the old “weakest link” adage.


As we are heading into our Fall seasons, what can you, your staff, and your team leaders do to insure that everyone on the squad feels the need to improve… even just a little?

You Can Do More (even just a little)… your brain is lying to you… Don’t Believe It!

Jeff Floyd –

True Team Building

trust fallI have a different take on “team building” than many people.  I have never bought into the idea that going to a ropes course, or doing the “trust fall” builds teams… true teams.  Every successful team I have ever been associated with, as a player, coach, or a YMCA Executive Director had a few things in common – and none of it included going camping, canoeing, or playing paint ball as a team.  Those successful teams were all about everyone that was on the team working hard, sacrificing and dedicating themselves to a common goal, whether it was winning a championship or opening a new YMCA.

Team building happens in the weight room during December when you and all your teammates and coaches are there,  “going to failure” despite the season being nine months away.  Team building is hanging your head over a trashcan with six of your teammates throwing up the breakfast you didn’t eat because you didn’t want to throw up your breakfast during 6:00 am morning conditioning.  Team building is when you and 90% of your teammates have made 90% or more of the summer workouts, even though the weight room is not air conditioned and the temperature on the turf rises to over 100 degrees by 10 am.   Team building is when you go into “battle” and you can look to your left, look to your right, look behind you and look over to your teammates and coaches on the sideline and become filled with confidence because you have all already battled together daily over the course of the last year.

I don’t have anything against activities such as ropes course, trust falls, paint ball etc.  I think they are fun activities and have their place.  I think they can ADD to a team that has already been “built”.  They can’t replace the hard work that is true team building.

You Can Do More… your brain is lying to you… Don’t Believe It!

Jeff Floyd –