The Child In All Of Us

Because I have coached at many different levels (literally from Pop Warner to professional athletes) people often ask, “What are the differences in coaching little kids to grown men?”

From my experience, very little.

Kids may be considerably smaller and considerably weaker, but they still want to succeed, still want to learn, still want to be pushed, and still respond to coaching.

pop warnerCollege and professional athletes may be grown men, but they are still playing the same game as the Pop Warner kids… and they still respond to the same coaching methods.  They get excited when they make a great play, they want structure and discipline,  and want to please and seek positive affirmation from their coach.

As a coach, you enjoy and get excited about the same things as well…. age or size does not matter.  You love it when your players pick up a concept… improve on a fundamental… push themselves physically… execute a play correctly.

We are all people… all human… and respond, learn, and compete as all humans do.

The Pop Warner athletes can be like miniature men, and the collegiate athletes are really just like big kids (in a good way) most of the time.

As an adult coach and teacher, I am not too different myself.

I just received the nicest email from a former player, and it inspired and motivated me.  It made me want to do more.  Thank you Coach McKie.

Jeff Floyd –

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