I have had several requests from colleagues asking if I had a 3-Day a Week workout program. YES! In addition to the 4-Day a Week Excel based workout program that I have shared, there is also a 3-Day a Week option available to you.
The instructions for using the 3-Day a Week program are identical to using the 4-Day a Week workbook (that I shared in the post – The Excel Workout Workbook), except for one additional step.
- Week 1 Bench, Push, Clean
- Week 2 Push, Clean, Squat
- Week 3 Clean, Squat, Bench
- Week 4 Squat, Bench, Push
Each workout card still has 3 different “cycles” (3×8, 5×5, and 3×3) printed on it, with all the weights based on their estimated one rep max. On the “quote” page of the workbook there are two things you can change. One is the quote or reminders that get put on each workout sheet for that week, and the other is a “pull down” menu to select which week workout you want to use. When you select a week, it will automatically populate their workout cards for the new weeks lifts and weights.
The one additional step is selecting which week on the 4 week cycle you are on and want to print. This brief video tutorial will show you how to manage the 4 week cycle on your Excel template:
Just a reminder – there are three different Excel workbooks available to you – just click on each link to download:
The Mac version will run on Windows without any problems. The only difference in the Windows version, is that it has a “button” to click on when an athlete “breaks” that automatically adds 10 lbs to their estimated 1RM.
If you have any questions, just comment or email – I WILL answer!
Jeff Floyd – youcandomore1@yahoo.com
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